Fever in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Fever is a concern when it happens - and our dogs can even get one. Before you panic, read on to know what you should know about fever in dogs.

Do French Bulldogs Tolerate Heat Well?

Because of their face shape, French Bulldogs are susceptible to heatstroke and overheating, which can be life-threatening. Here are some main rules to stick to in the summer if you have a Frenchie pet.

How Pets Help With Depression

Depression is a terrible illness that can affect anyone at any time of their life. If you suffer from depression, here's why you should turn to your pet for some TLC.

Study Shows These Dog Breeds Most Likely To Have an Extra Row of Teeth

Is your pooch more likely to sport a second row of teeth? The so-called “Shark Teeth” is a little-known dental condition that can affect up to 7% of doggos around the world.

Chlorine or Saltwater Pools: Which is Best for Dogs?

When the days get hot, your dog may want to jump in the pool to cool off. But should you go with chlorine or saltwater in your pool - which option is better for your dog?

What Should You Do With Unused Pet Pharmaceuticals and Care Products?

If you're just chucking heartworm pills and flea treatments in the trash, you're doing it wrong. And, according to a new study, you're not the only one.

What Is Cherry Eye In Dogs?

I spy with my little eye something that looks red and swollen! Let's go over some important facts about cherry eye in dogs and how to fix it.

What to Expect With a Veterinary Teeth Cleaning

Dogs need to have their teeth cleaned. If you don't take care of doggie dental needs at home, your pooch will need to go in for a veterinary teeth cleaning.

How to Treat a Dog’s Dry Nose

We all know that a wet dog nose means a healthy pooch. But how do you treat a snout that's gone dry? Here are a few things you can try.

Spicy Topic: Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

Pooches love the taste of cinnamon... but is it safe? Can dogs eat cinnamon or not? Find out if you should be including it in your dog's diet.

Gastrointestinal Obstructions in Dogs

If your dog eats something he shouldn't, it can cause a gastrointestinal obstruction. To prevent this from happening, here's what you need to know about the problem.

What Information Does Your Dog’s New Veterinarian Need?

If you want to make sure your first trip to a new vet goes smoothly, you'll need to update the doc on all your dog's vital stats and background.

Cynophobia: Why Are Some People Afraid of Dogs?

Fear of dogs is common. Cynophobia - the fear of dogs - can be overwhelming, and can affect the quality of a person's life.

Is Your Dog’s Bad Breath Telling You Something About Their Health?

Sometimes, your dog's stinky breath is not just a nuisance- it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Recognize the signs in time!

Can Shock Collars Damage a Dog’s Vocal Cords?

With so many pet owners now working from home and trying to focus on reading reports, creating presentations and conducting professional-quality meetings via Zo…

5 Tip-Top Health Tips For Senior Dogs

Older dogs come with their own set of unique issues that require preventive measures to ensure your dog continues to enjoy a happy life. He’s not the y…

The Shocking Truth About Dogs and Garlic

There is a lot of controversy surrounding dogs and garlic on the Internet. Thanks to the research efforts of experts, many believe garlic is good for dogs.

Making a Case For Dietary Zinc in Your Dog’s Diet

You need to put the right amount of vitamins and minerals into your dog's diet. That's why knowing how much dietary zinc your dog is getting important.

Should Dogs Drink Ice Cold Water?

Nothing quenches your thirst like a glass of cold water. But is it safe for your dog to drink ice cold water?

What Causes Dog Snoring?

Catching Z's, sawing logs - it's known by many names, but dog snoring can keep you up at night. Does your dog snore and should you be worried about it?

Can Dogs Get Pimples?

Does Spot has spots he shouldn't have? Dogs can get those annoying pimples, and while not a threat to his health, they can be irritating to his skin.

All About Poison Ivy in Dogs

Poison ivy can be much more than just a pain to your pooch. Here's what you should know about poison ivy in dogs and what to do if your dog comes in contact with it.

Speaking Up About Deafness in Senior Dogs

The loss of hearing is one of the concerns we have when our dogs grow older. If your dog is going deaf, here's what you can do to help communicate.

How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?

Whether you've got errands to run or you've got to go to work, there are some places your dog can't go. But how long can you leave a dog alone at home for?

What You Need To Know About Heat Stroke In Dogs

Don't risk your dog's well being and do everything you can to prevent this from happening by reading the facts and tips about heat stroke in dogs.

7 Doggy Dangerous (and Surprising) Things That Contain Xylitol

When ingested, Xylitol can be deadly for dogs. But did you know that these common household items contain this toxic chemical?

Seasonal Allergies Bring Scratches and Sniffles in Our Pets

Pets can react to seasonal allergies. Unusually warmer temperatures this season mean more allergic reactions, and experts offer professional suggestions.

Take Your Pet To The Vet Without Leaving Home With Vetster

The pandemic has changed the way we live our lives. It affects everything we do – how we work, how we shop, even how we interact with our pets. Even a visit…

Talking About Palliative Care For Older Dogs

Let's go over the basics about what palliative care is, in which situations it might be needed and how to create a palliative care plan for older dogs.

10 Signs Your Dog is From a Puppy Mill

Puppies from puppy mills often come with a host of health problems. By knowing what to look for in puppy mill puppies, you can help stop their sale.

8 Tips To Improve Your Dog’s Dental Health

Dogs deserve pearly white teeth, so make sure they have a healthy smile You want to keep your dog smiling… and proper dental care is an important fact…

Why Does My Dog Have a Runny Nose?

Does your dog have a runny nose? Although it's not usually a serious issue, you should know why this can happen.

Common Periodontal Disease In Dogs

Dog dental health: Pet parents need to know the basics about common periodontal disease in dogs including their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Wheelchairs For Dogs: How To Know If Your Dog Needs One

Your pet can gain their mobility back with a wheelchair for dogs- here are the cases that require the help of mobility aid for a better quality of life.

Is Ice Water Really Dangerous for Dogs?

Ice water for dogs? Is that even safe for them? Let’s separate fact from fiction and get to the cold, ice hard truth!You probably already know that there are…

Food Allergies in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Food allergies are common in dogs. Do you think your dog is allergic to a certain food? We talk about what you should watch for and how to treat them.

Can A Dog's Tooth Abscess Heal On Its Own?

Dental abscesses are typically caused by bacterial infection, which can spread rapidly if not addressed promptly. Without proper treatment, the infection can affect surrounding tissues, leading to more extensive dental and oral health issues.

Tall Tails: Interesting Facts About Dog Tails

A dog's tail serves many purposes, and just one of those is to communicate how he's feeling. Let's talk about the importance of dog tails.

Everything You Need to Know About Ear Mites in Dogs

Just as nasty as ticks and fleas, ear mites can cause just as many problems for your dog. Know what to watch for and how to get rid of ear mites in dogs.

More And More Pets Are Having Allergies, Trupanion Reports

Dogs, in particular, are very susceptible to spring allergies and are increasingly treated for their symptoms, such as itchy skin.

7 Ways To Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean

We love it when our doggos have that pearly white smile, don’t we? It means that their teeth and gums are in good shape and that’s a good indicat…

Why Do Dogs Get Eye Boogers?

Dog eye boogers- are they a cause for concern? Here you'll find all the deets about why dogs get eye boogers and what to do when it happens.

Pawp’s 24/7 Online Vet Clinic Saves You Money On Vet Bills – Here�

This innovative online vet platform is a great alternative to classic pet insurance – with 24/7 access to licensed veterinarians, access to $3,000 for…

Top 10 Daily Toxins That Can Harm Your Dog

Your pet is a living being that can succumb to toxins in the environment we don't even think about. Here's what they are and how to get rid of them.

Do Dogs Cry?

Have you ever seen a dog's eyes well up with tears? Do dogs cry, and if so, can they feel emotions that can make them sad?

Why Dental Health Is So Important For Dogs?

Here are some important reasons why you need to keep your dog’s smile healthy Dental health is often overlooked in dogs. Owners expect their dogs to ha…

5 Stress-Free Ways To Deal With Dog Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is a common condition in canines. It affects dogs of all ages and breeds and can cause serious distress and injury to your pooch.

Canine Malocclusion: Dogs With Underbites

Dogs with underbites have a certain look - it gives them a stern yet adorable demeanor. Known as canine malocclusion, here's what you need to know.

Tricks of the Trade: Fear-Free Veterinary Strategies

A trip to the vet? No thank you! If your dog hates going to see the veterinarian, there are things you can do to ensure a less stressful visit.

What Pet Parents Need To Know About Reverse Sneezing In Dogs

Before you freak out, you should know that reverse sneezing is fairly common in dogs, and that flat-face breeds are more prone than others.

Pet Blood Donation: Giving The Gift Of Life To Man’s Best Friends

There's a critical need for pet blood donation across the country; find out how your pet can help give the gift of life!

Flea And Tick Control: Fact Or Myth?

True or false? When it comes to flea and tick information, lucky guesses just won't cut it. Get the facts on how to control these pests.

Is A Wet Dog's Nose Good or Bad?

A dog’s nose is their tool for discovering the world around them through scent, but dog noses are important for much more than sniffing – the state of your p…

What is an Elimination Diet for Dogs?

The goal of an elimination diet is to identify which food (or foods) are triggering the adverse reaction in your pet.

Experts Say Pet Obesity On the Rise- 8th Year in a Row

Nationwide statistics revealed a worrying trend: the number of overweight pets has been on a constant rise for the last 8 years.

Breast Cancer in Pets: Causes and Treatments

I discovered the lump while playing with my newly adopted feline, Maude. A much-enjoyed belly rub was how I first felt the mass and because I had been through i…

Head Pressing in Dogs: Should You Be Concerned?

It sounds like a harmless behavior, but head pressing in dogs can point to something more serious. Here's what to watch out for and how to treat it.

The Deadly Consequences of Compassion Fatigue for Animal Care Workers

Have you ever heard of the term "Compassion Fatigue"? This emotional exhaustion threatens the mental health of many who work with animals.