The Pros and Cons of CO2 in an Aquarium

CO2 in your aquarium can take your plants from average to extraordinary. But before adding extra to your tank, make sure you know its pros and cons.

Best Artificial Aquarium Plants

Keeping a tank with live plants can be quite a challenge. If you want the look of a planted tank without the hassle, think about adding artificial aquarium plants.

Best Fish Food for Algae Eaters

Finding the perfect combination of aquarium inhabitants is an art. You want to find species that are compatible with each other in terms of size and color, but you also have to think about aggression and diet as well. Once you’ve established the ideal balance, it can be challenging to add a new inhabitant to the tank. If you’re struggling to control problem algae, however, adding a new species could be your best option. Bristlenose Plecostomus, oto cats, and other algae eaters are a natural and long-term solution for problem algae, but they require care of their own.

Best Saltwater Aquarium Kit

A saltwater aquarium kit lets you create a gorgeous tank without much hassle - they contain everything you need to get started.

Ebb and Grow: Growing and Controlling Algae in Your Aquarium

It doesn't take much for algae to become a problem in your fish tank. There are many reasons why it grows and there are a few ways to keep it under control.

Best Aquarium Substrates for Planted Tanks

What's at the bottom of the best aquariums? The best substrates! Here's our list of the best aquarium substrates for planted tanks.

Why You Need To Dip Your Coral in Coral RX

You've spent a lot of time and money on your aquarium. Don't let nasty parasites take over - use Coral RX to drip your coral before adding it to your reef.

Ich or White Spot Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common diseases affecting aquarium fish, Ich or White Spot Disease is highly contagious. More about the causes, symptoms and treatment.

Tank Stocking: The Truth About The 1 Inch Per Gallon Rule

You've heard about the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule, but there are other factors to keep in mind when you're first stocking your aquarium.

10 Essentials You Always Need in Your Fish Room

Wonder what the pros keep in their fish rooms? They've shared their tips with us, and we're passing along the 10 essentials you need in your fish room.

Top 8 All-In-One Aquariums

You want a fish tank, but you want everything you need in one package so you've got the essentials. Here's our list of top 5 all-in-one aquariums.

Colorful Tips for Starting a Nano Reef Tank

Amazing things come in smaller packages. If you live in a smaller space and you're a coral enthusiast, set up a nano reef tank.

Best Products to Remove Aquarium Algae

It's completely natural, but it sure does make your tank look gross! Here are the best products to remove aquarium algae.

Setting a Schedule for Routine Tank Maintenance

Aquariums need to be maintained regularly - it's essential to keeping your fish healthy and your tank looking its best.

Aquarium Snails: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

What starts out as a small nuisance may end up becoming a "Snail Apocalypse!" Here's how these visitors get into your aquarium and what you can do about it.

The Bobbit Worm: Your Saltwater Tank’s Loch Ness Monster

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your tank, your saltwater fish start disappearing! A devious worm may be at the center of this mystery.

How To Speak Fish: More Than Just Blowing Bubbles

You may not hear it, but your fish have a way of talking to each other. Even though they don't make a sound, their actions speak louder than words!

What Causes PH Changes and How to Fix Them

What's the chemistry like between your aquarium fish and the water they swim in? Keeping the pH of your tank water is a vital element to healthy fish.

Take a Walk On the Wild Side of Bettas

Take a walk on the wild side! You know about bettas, but do you know about wild betta fish? Let's look at wild bettas that can be kept in an aquarium.

Conditioning Your Fish Tank With Seachem Prime

To remove chlorine from tap water so that it's safe for your aquarium, you'll need a prime water conditioner. And Seachem Prime is what the pros recommend.

Expand Your Saltwater Tank With a Refugium

Want tag on a new addition to your saltwater tank? With a refugium, you can add greater water capacity to your main tank for a host of benefits.

Mail Call: The Ins and Outs of Shipping and Receiving Fish

If you can't go to the fish, perhaps the fish can come to you. Here are the essentials of shipping and receiving fish through the mail.

Planted Tank Trend: Meet the Bucephelandra

Get on the Bucephelandra bandwagon. The latest trend in aquariums, Buce can turn your tank into colorful oasis and the centerpiece of your home.

Why I Think Aquarium Rock Collecting Rocks!

Are you into hard rock? Not the music... the kind you put in your aquarium! Here's what you need to know before adding rocks to your tank.

Daddy Dearest: A Look at Fish Fathers

Being a dad isn't easy - even when you're a fish! Fish fathers have an important role to fill when it comes to reproduction and caring for their offspring.

Best Aquarium Maintenance Supplies

Your tank is perfect - but how do you keep it that way? You need the right aquarium maintenance supplies to keep it looking its best.

Best Substrates for Saltwater Tanks

Make your saltwater tank look its glorious best. Decorate your aquarium with the best substrates for saltwater tanks and let it shine!�

The Best Aquarium Gravel Cleaners

You may not think much about it, but the gravel at the bottom of your tank needs certain care. Here are our picks for the best aquarium gravel cleaners.

Top 5 Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants for Planted Tanks

If you're impatient for growth, you'll want aquarium plants that shoot up quickly. Take a look at these fast-growing aquarium plants for your planted tank.

The Dish on Discus

Aquariums with discus are visually stunning, but many have stayed away from this fish because of its complicated care. But it's easier than you think!

How Often Should I Feed My Fish?

There are a lot of factors that will determine the feeding schedule you have for the inhabitants of your saltwater or freshwater aquarium. The frequency of feeding your fish depends on the type of fish, their age, and the specific conditions of your tank.

Best Aquarium Pumps

Pump it up! To improve the lives of your fish, you need to invest in the right equipment. Here are our top picks for the best aquarium pumps.

Best Medications for Treating Aquarium Fish Diseases

Just like any pet, fish can get sick too. But how can you fight illness in your tank? Here's our list of the best medications for treating aquarium fish diseases.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Your Fish Live Food

What are you feeding your fish for dinner? If you're planning on feeding your fish live food, here's what you need to know about this type of diet.

Top 5 Low Light Corals for a Beginner Reef Tank

You want to start a coral reef tank, but you're not sure where to start. Here are five types of coral that are great for beginners.

Go Green With the Emerald Crab

Crabs are a cool addition to an aquarium. And the Emerald Crab does more than add color - these invertebrates clean up after themselves.

Daily and Weekly Coral Reef Tank Maintenance Schedule

You've set up your coral reef tank and it looks spectacular. But don't rest on your laurels - daily and weekly maintenance to make sure it stays that way.

Betta Leaf Hammock is the Perfect Fit for Any Tank

Researchers suggest keeping bettas happy by housing them in large, landscaped tanks. This hammock is a great addition to any enclosure.

What Plants Can I Pair With Plant-Eating Fish?

Your planted tank sure looks good... good enough to eat! Here's what you need to know if you don't want fish eating all of the plants in your aquarium.

Unpopular Opinion: Goldfish Belong Outside

Some fish belong in tanks, others need to be outside. And even though you may not like it, the goldfish's place is in a pond.

Above the Water’s Surface: A Guide to Emersed Plant Growth

A different take on planted tanks, emersed plant life gives your aquarium dimension. Let's talk about the ins and outs of emersed aquarium plants.

Confessions of a Tank Addict: YouTube Fish Fanatic Rachel O’Leary

The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is to set up a YouTube channel and record your tank obsession - just like Rachel O'Leary!

Top 5 LED Aquarium Lighting Systems

Light up your tank with LED lighting. But which system do you choose? Here are our top five picks for LED aquarium lighting systems.

Hop to It: My Introduction to African Dwarf Frogs

When your child's school sends her home with a new amphibian friend, you've got to adapt your aquarium to suit the little jumper's needs - ASAP!

What You Need to Know About the Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is important if you're interested in cultivating a thriving aquarium. Let's talk about the basics and why you need to know about it.

Top 3 Substrates to Use in Planted Aquariums

The key to the perfect planted tank is to get the balance between fish and plant needs just right. The solution is finding the ideal type of substrate.

The Benefits of Hermit Crabs in Your Aquarium

The hermit crab isn't just a pretty shell - this invertebrate likes to clean up after itself. Here's why you should let a hermit crab move into your tank.

Heating Things Up With Eheim Jager Heaters

Not too cold, not too hot... you want to keep the temperature just right. Buying the right heater sets the right climate for the health of your fish.

How to Use Aquatic Mosses in Your Planted Tank

To make your tank truly spectacular, try adding moss to the mix. With many types to choose from, moss adds a lush and natural touch to your aquarium.

What You Need to Know About Feeding Your Fish

A healthy fish aquarium starts with the right nutrition. There are many types of fish food on the market – which one should you choose? When it comes t…

Top 5 Invertebrates to Hire For Your Freshwater Cleanup Crew

Taking care of your aquarium is hard work - you need to bring in some extra muscle! Here are 5 invertebrates that you want on your freshwater cleanup crew.

5 Fish Questions You Always Wanted to Ask

There's no such thing as a stupid question. But if you're too hesitant to raise your hand, here are 5 fish questions you always wanted to ask.

Which is the Best Choice: Canister Vs Hang-On Filters?

One of the most important pieces of equipment you'll need for your aquarium is a filter. The canister or hang-on filter - which one is best for your needs?

Best Aquarium Supplies for Biological Filtration

Balance is the key to a healthy aquarium and filtration plays a major role. That's why you need know about the best aquarium supplies for biological filtration.

How to Properly Acclimate New Fish in the Aquarium

When it comes to aquariums, how you add new fish to your tank is important to their safety and well being. Tips for acclimatizing fish to your aquarium.

Understanding the Basics of Freshwater Aquarium Lighting

The right lights make all the difference to your freshwater aquarium. Offering much more than just illumination, aquarium lighting helps feed your plants.

Meet the Snail Assassin: Your Solution to Pest Snails

Got a snail problem you need taken care of? To take care of a snail problem, you need to send in an Assassin Snail, better known as Clea Helena!

Best Aquarium Kits for Beginners

You want to get an aquarium, but you don't know where to start. Not to worry - we've compiled a list of the best aquarium kits for beginners.

Stay Tuned For Aquarium’s Got Talent

What amazing talent lurks in your tank? Take a front row seat - you won't believe the specular show that's going on in your aquarium!

Best Natural-Looking Aquarium Decorations

When decorating your aquarium, you may want to create a look inspired by nature. We've picked out some of the best natural-looking aquarium decorations.